3D Tiles

3D Tiles are high-fidelity map tiles that encapsulate 3D geospatial data in the OGC 3D Tiles format.  These tiles enable you to render intricate 3D maps using your preferred 3D Tiles renderer or leverage an open-source library designed for advanced 3D geospatial visualization.

Why use 3D tiles

By leveraging Ola Map’s 3D Tiles, users can explore areas in a way that closely resembles the real world. This level of realism helps bridge the gap between raw data and practical understanding, making it easier to interpret complex spatial relationships and contextualize information.  Some of the use-cases for 3D tiles can be :
  • Tourism and Virtual Exploration
  • Urban Planning and Development
  • Real Estate
Description of the image

How to integrate Ola Maps 3D Tiles

You can integrate and directly use Ola Maps 3D tiles with the Ola Maps Web SDK, without the need to implement your own renderer. An example snippet is given for your reference.
const olaMaps3D = new OlaMaps({
    mode: "3d",
    threedTileset: "https://api.olamaps.io/tiles/vector/v1/3dtiles/tileset.json",

  style: "https://api.olamaps.io/tiles/vector/v1/styles/default-light-standard/style.json",
  container: 'map-3d',
  center: [72.84185896191035, 19.04116993331655],
  zoom: 18,
  pitch: 50,

If you want to implement your own renderer then you can explore available open-source 3D Tiles renderers, such as deck.gl and CesiumJs.