Nearby Search API Overview

The Nearby Search API allows people to find places of interest near a specific geographic location. By providing a latitude and longitude along with a category, users can search for relevant places such as restaurants, hotels, parks, and more. This API is designed to be simple yet powerful, enabling a wide range of applications from local business directories to travel guides and more.

Why Nearby Search API?

The Nearby Search API is an essential tool for applications that require location-based services. It has an ability to filter places by category and return comprehensive, making it invaluable for:
  • Travel and Tourism Apps: Help users discover attractions, restaurants, and accommodations.
  • Local Business Directories: List nearby businesses based on user location.
  • Event Planning: Find suitable venues, restaurants, or service providers near an event location.
  • Logistics and Delivery: Identify nearby warehouses, stores, or pickup points.

What can Nearby Search API help with?

The Nearby Search API can help developers:
  • Discover Nearby Places: Easily find places of interest around a given location, such as restaurants, hotels, gas stations, and more.
  • Categorize Places: Search for specific types of places by category, such as restaurants or museums.
  • Enhance User Experience: Provide users with relevant suggestions and options based on their location.
  • Support Local Businesses: Promote local businesses by making them easily discoverable to potential customers.

How to use

Sample request:
curl --location ",77.502312&api_key=${your_api_key}" --header "X-Request-Id: XXX"

Please refer to theAPI documentationfor further details.